I have a broad background in Software Engineering from Web Development all the way down to embedded.
Programming is very special to me; it is my hobby, my passion, and my job. I have been interested in Computer Science ever since I first saw a computer as a very young child. The more I learned about computers, the more I wanted to learn. This endless cycle of education has driven my education in Computer Science. At first, I was fascinated by how something so complex could even exist; so I dove in, learning it from the top down. Today I have a more mature understanding of computers, but no one person could ever know every single thing about something as complex and infinite as a computer. Computer Science is something I love, and will never get bored with. All that is left is what I want to specialize in, there are many different routes I can go within the broad field of Computer Science. My current interests are in Game Development and Embedded Software Development, but I am also looking forward to exploring other areas within the field of Computer Science.
I have a broad background in Software Engineering from Web Development all the way down to embedded.
I have designed schematics before and have the necessary skills to work with hardware on an embedded level.
Down below I have some of my favorite programming languages that I use day-to-day for both my hobby projects and my work. The percentage represents how much of the language I feel that I have mastered.
C / C++ 95%
Java 75%
Rust 40%
Go 60%
C# 50%
Shell 90%
Python / Lua 60%
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